Getting concerned...
Mom uses the old "distract with the cell phone" trick...
And we practice our texting skills...
and then pull at mom's heartstrings with a forlorn expression...
Starting to lose it...
Aaaaand, we have Angry Baby!
Mom to the rescue, and we're happy again!
This all happens in the span of a minute. So at Penny's 9 month appointment, I asked my doctor if I should be worried about her. She looked at Penny, who was sitting and jabbering away and smiling and waving to all of the staff, including the nurse who administers the shots, and told me not to be too worried. She said some babies are more verbal and others are more mobile, and that as long as she's progressing in other areas (verbally and socially), the other areas (mobility) will catch up eventually.
I went back and read the 9 month chapter in the BOOK to remind myself that some babies skip crawling altogether. Seeing as how her father didn't really crawl, Penny could be in the same boat. Apparently, Britt just rolled into a standing position and started walking one day. And I walked on my knees before I figured out how to walk on my feet. Our baby is doomed.
Meanwhile, Penny weighed in at 19 lbs 12 oz and is 28 and 1/4" long. She's still perfectly proportional to herself, in the 75th %tile for height, weight and head circumference. This means she could totally take on 75 other babies in a baby throw-down wrestling match. Um, just kidding. But I kind of like the thought of Penny in the ring...I should find a luchador mask for her.
Awww, cute Penny! I'm sure that she'll catch up in her own time and then you'll probably be chasing her non-stop and not even able to remember this time when you were worried!
I was convinced that Aly had intellectual issues because she didn't talk forever. She was WAY behind and then started talking in full sentences. And at 10, she's the smartest person I know. Seriously. Just let Miss Penny truck along at her own pace. She'll get there. She's fabulous.
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